Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ten Tips for a Healthy Family Home

Sometimes it’s hard to get the whole family together, but when you do find those rare moments, here are 10 easy ways your family can have fun and stay connected.
  1. Give everyone in the family a special decision-making opportunity, such as choosing the menu for a healthier meal or organizing a family event that includes physical activity.
  2. Make a plan to do activities that involve the whole family. Take a trip to a museum or the aquarium.
  3. Spend an hour or two cleaning out a closet, bedroom, garage or basement, and prepare a load of items to donate as a family. The kids can help by going through and sorting old toys and clothing.
  4. Volunteer in your community: Participate in a walk/run or bike event or put together meals for other families or people who live alone.
  5. Schedule a family date. Go for a walk, build a snowman, play games.
  6. Encourage sharing. During a family meal have the youngest family member do a drum roll and then call on someone to share something they are grateful for day.
  7. Invite another family from the neighborhood, school or church to a family play date. This is a great way to connect with neighbors and for children and adults to bond.
  8. Love to cook? Spend an evening making a favorite family meal together and finishing up with popcorn and a movie. Give each family member a job in the meal preparation, so that everyone is included.
  9. Designate a "no screen day" in your home, and have several books and games ready for everyone to play with.
  10. Spend an evening watching old family videos or leafing through family photos. Kids love to see themselves when they were babies or reminiscing about last year's family vacation.
Do you have any other good ways to have healthy family time? We would love to know your thoughts!

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